EFC Bingo
Please find important information pertinent to our weekly bingo events below.
Bingo every Tuesday & Friday
For updates and more information about our pots, check out our Facebook page (EdsonFriendshipCentre)
Bingo Information
Sales start at 5:30 pm
Early birds at 6:30 pm
Regular games at approximately 7:15 pm
3 Cards............... $6.00
6 Cards............... $12.00
9 Cards............... $18.00
12 Cards............ $24.00
15 Cards............ $30.00
18 Cards............ $36.00
21 Cards............ $42.00
**In case of cancellation, we will fully refund patrons if they have their door stub and cards.
Early Bird #1............ $1.00/strip of 3
Early Bird #2............ $1.00/strip of 3
Bonanza #1............ $1.00/strip of 3
Odd & Even............. $1.00/strip of 3
Shady Seven......... $1.00/strip of 3
Dual Dab................. $2.00/one card
Trade in for bad bonanza/bad odd & even...... $.50 plus trade in
Game Format
25 Regular Games
2 Early Birds
1 Bonanza
Loonie Pots
Fire Ball
Shady Seven (Progressive)
Dual Dab (Progressive)

Contact Michelle or check out our Facebook page, if you have any questions!
Phone: 780-723-5494 ext. 120
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/edsonfriendshipcentre/